Cristina Fontsare

28 photographs found

About the Artist

Cristina Fontsare is a photographer based in Barcelona, Spain. She received a BFA and a MLA from the University of Barcelona. Fontsare’s work has been exhibited at the Candela Gallery, Richmond, VA; Rhode Island Center for Photographic Arts, Providence, RI; and The Halide Project, Philadelphia, PA. Her work is included in the permanent collection of the Valdepeñas Museum, Ciudad Real, Spain; Bilbao Art Foundation, Bilbao, Spain; and the Tenerife Island Center of Photography, Spain. She is the author of two self-published photography books, Night Years and Poems 22 Images. Fontsare counts Andrei Tarkovski, Louise Bourgeois, and Gerhard Richter among her greatest artistic influences.

Fontsare was named to Hot 100 of 2022.


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